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Waikapu Country Town Master Plan

Location:  WaikapÅ«, Maui, Hawaii


Client:  WaikapÅ« Properties, LLC



Prepared, together with the project landscape architect, a master plan for 2,000 acres in Central Maui. The Plan involves a mixed-use redevelopment of the existing Maui Tropical Plantation into a small country town with approximately six miles of internal trails and bikeways, parks, schools and supporting neighborhood commercial uses for 1,500 homes.  The remaining acres will be designated as an agricultural preserve.


PCH’s scope of work included master planning, preparing the zoning ordinance, HRS Chapter 343 EIS, District Boundary Amendment, Community Plan Amendment, and Change in Zoning. PCH also prepared the Agricultural Impact Assessment and Sustainability Plan.


Role Played:  Prime Consultant; Principal Planner

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